
Long Range wireless network connection

How to make long range distance of wireless network connections?

The question above often was thrown by netter in fact by the network administrator, and for answer it not was easy because of many decisive factors far in short of the range of the network wirelless, there were several answers that possibly could help among them:
The first version answer: The network wireless in a topologi manner was divided 2: point-to-point and point-to-multipoint.

1. Point-to-point

the Frequency that was used could 2.5 G, 5 G, 10 G, 15 G, etc.. Must fill the SHED criterion of = Line Of Sight (was seen without was the obstacle among them). Might be the obstacle among them but might not enter the area of first fingers of Fresnel Zone (Fresnel Zone 1). The calculation method of Fresnel Zone, to high the obstacle and the distance to two antennae could be done in the Power that was used also must in adapted, must have the reserve power if rain and the attenuation of the atmosphere happening. The reserve power to anticipate the attenuation was acknowledged as Fading Margin. The calculation of the power yg was needed between 2 points and the certain distance was acknowledged as Link Budget. For the capacity hardware, respectively the different product.Adapted to our requirement. Point-to-point is usually used for the network backbone/trunk or the network of access have a speed high.

2. point-to-multipoint.

In broad outline, the frequency and the calculation power almost be the same as point-to-point. Only the network point-to-multipoint there are those that could form the good network although including being gotten the obstacle (NLOS=Not Line Of Sight). Technology that was used was OFDM (orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing). Made use of the obstacle/obstacle as the OFDM media of the signal reflector that had many carrier (multi-carrier) down to distination. so as the signal yg came from various reflection directions arrive in the side of the recipient was made reinforce each other. If the distance between antennae did not have the obstacle then his range will be more far.

Technology wireless the future was WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) that enabled BTS to be able to communicate with various re-beads/client that was different the make/Multivendor, with the very high speed. Aimed to form wireless Metropolitan Area Network (MAN). To coverage the area of the network point-to-multipoint depend on big the small size of the BTS emittance (Base Transceiver Station) at the time of the beginning regulation (commissioning) The outline of Distance relations/coverage, the Frequency, speed/Bandwidth and the Price/Cost

1. Increasingly high Frekuensi, Bandwidth increasingly big, the Price Be increasingly high , Coverage Area was increasingly Small.
2. increasingly low Frekuensi, Bandwidth increasingly small, the Price was cheaper, Coverage Area Be more far.
For the Frequency that is used, generally equipment wireless could diset in the frequency how many, depended their respective government regulation of the country.

The version answer 2:

Wireless in for became 3, was based on the distance and the power.

1. Wireless WAN (Wide Area Network) (calculate so many kilometre, with the power so many hundred mW)
2. Wireless LAN (Local Area Network) (range so many hundred metre, with the power so many puluh mW)
3. Wireless PAN (personal the Network area) (range so many metre, with the very small power) For Wireless WAN, the distance 5 km including the public (several implements were that could until 40 km). In the world wireless had 3 matters that influenced the distance reached out with a rule as follows .

1. Power, increasingly big the power, increasingly far his distance. But the big power really was not good, especially for the health of the body.
2. The frequency, increasingly big the frequency of his distance was increasingly short. But this frequency has was slot him 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, etc., so could not also in arranged-arranged.
3. The implement that was used. For example the strengthening of antennae, loss to the cable, censitivity the recipient.

The general implement was known in Wireless LAN among them GPRS that in with GSM, CDMA or Bridge that used the standard WiFi. Bridge that was public in the market at this time, there was 2 types of antennae: that have the shape of omni (like the pole and spread the signal all through the direction) as well as that directional (like the parabola to the side of certain). For the distance 5 km, antennae directional that was cheapest then could cover the distance 5km, for the public's antennae that mempu him the just high strengthening that could cover the distance 5km. We did not really suggest the fitting boster, the very practical method but if not knowing his use could exactly cause a loss to the person.

The version answer 3:

At this time has had newest technology in Wireless that is Wi-Max (worldwide interoperability for microwave access) that used the new standard nirkabel IEEE 802,16 with the speed 11 clouds byte (MB) per the second. Wi-Max could serve internet access nirkabel through to to the best of 50 kilometre. For Wi-fi the distance that could be taken only revolved 1 km, if wanting to be increased significant needed upgraded technology radionya. this technology used 2 waves radio.technology this could be used with the different frequency. In accordance with the condition and the use regulation of the frequency in his user's country. His method also same: that there is 2 methods connected between PC with the Wireless system that is Adhoc where 1 PC connected with 1 PC with each other connected was based on the SSID name (Service the Set IDentifier). SSID personally simply the name one computer that had card, USB or equipment wireless and each equipment must be given by a special name as the identity.
The Adhoc system was the system peer to peer, in a sense one computer was connected to 1 computer by knowing each other of SSID. While to be depicted possibly more was easy to imagine the system direct connection from 1 computer to 1 computer other with used Twist scanned cable without HUB equipment. So be gotten 2 computer with WIFI equipment immediately could be connected without the implement that was mentioned access point mode. In the Adhoc system no longer knew the system central (that usually is made function to Access Point). The Adhoc system only needed 1 computer that had the SSID name or simple him the name one network in a card/computer. The two networks were most general and more was easy at this time with the Access system point with the PCI form card or an unit hardware that had the Access function point to do broadcast to several computer client in the distance of the certain radius.

You can study in: http://www.windowsnetworking.com